Donation Policy

We want to be transparent and accountable about how we are funded and how we spend your donations – please get in touch if you’ve got a question or any feedback on how we present this information.

Donation Approach

An important aspect of the’s commitment to responsible corporate behavior is our exercise of social responsibility through philanthropic donations and non-commercial sponsorship. The Company approach to philanthropic donations and non-commercial sponsorship mirrors our sustainable business model and innovation culture. By selectively developing, supporting, and implementing innovative solutions together with competent partners based on our core knowledge and skills, we aim that simple measures will result in lasting improvements and sustainable impacts for society. This collaborative and value-based approach demonstrates that both the Company.comand its partners are committed to effective outcomes. Our expectation is that our partners share the risk, commitment, and investment of respective resources in the success of a project.

the Company’s emphasis is on projects making a real difference through innovation, collaboration, quality, and sustainability. When assessing projects, we focus on the potential impact rather than on the cost. We consider the impact, not material return on investment, the measure of success or value. We believe that good corporate citizenship should be a matter of course and is not something to be undertaken for publicity purposes.


This policy covers philanthropic donations and non-commercial sponsorship as distinctive contributions to express our commitment and responsibility towards society in a broader context. Such contributions are part of a long-standing Company tradition of sharing business success with those who may not be in a position to directly benefit from our primary business success or who share special risks in common or who can benefit from the community value derived through our support or collaboration. In contrast, commercial donations and sponsoring activities are part of the marketing and distribution or the research and development expenses and are not covered by this policy.

How do we spend your donation?

If you make a one-off donation to a specific campaign we’ll spend the money on that campaign. In cases where we can’t (e.g because we’ve won the campaign already!) we’ll spend the money on the same issue. If we can’t do that we’ll put the money into general funds to support all our work.

If we’ve asked for donations for a very specific purpose (eg. to pay for an advert), and then aren’t able to do the thing we’ve specified or something very similar, we’ll get in touch to explain why.

If you set up a direct debit with us, the funds raised will go towards the costs of running our campaigns, including staff time, any materials needed for potential days of action, and the tech needed for new campaigning tactics. In cases where this isn’t possible, we’ll put the money into general funds to support all our work.

Emphasis of Impact

The Company.comengages in fewer, more in-depth projects emphasizing innovation, collaboration, quality, and sustainability by donating both in cash and in-kind. As a globally active and multicultural organization, the Company can share enormous potential for the expertise and human talent in various areas. Sharing capacity and transferring know-how can be much more effective and sustainable than a strict material or financial contribution. Consistent with our business model, the Company.comlooks to dedicate its resources to projects or needs that would not be addressed without the Company.cominvolvement or where the Company.cominvolvement can make a significant difference.

The Company has come from a long tradition of not sharing figures publicly regarding resources spent on philanthropic donations. The amount or value of a donation (the input) is not viewed as a predictor or determinant of the significance and effectiveness (the outcome) since the cost of supporting a program does not define its benefit. Communicating the impact of the programs we support is an opportunity to better convey our intention and affirm our focus both externally and internally.

Science & Education projects

the Company’s business model is based on innovation and excellence and recognizes that crossing new frontiers involves significant risks as well as major opportunities. The company applies strict ethical standards and strives for high levels of individual performance and responsible behavior in all of our areas of research, including areas that offer no immediate commercial benefit.

The Company further supports science knowledge and education as the key drivers of future success in natural and biological sciences. Emphasis is placed on enhancing public understanding of the impact and promise of cutting edge science and creating interest and awareness of future generations of scientists for the challenges and opportunities within the life sciences. In all cases, the Company consistently respects the independence and autonomy of its partners in the research and education area.

Cultural Projects

The Company has always cultivated and fostered intensive interactions with contemporary music and art as an expression of its commitment to innovation characterized by excellence, distinctiveness, and passion. Openness to intellectual challenge and long-term change as well as the pursuit of new horizons and excellence remain fundamental to the business model of the Company. the Company then supports such activities based on the conviction that the key driver for business success is and remains the capability of the Company to offer an inspiring working environment for our employees.

Architecture, contemporary music, and art have always been an ideal yet challenging reflection of the organically grown the Company Corporate Culture. With a primary commitment to sustainable cultural engagement, the Company.comabstains from funding of activities in popular (or mainstream) culture and entertainment including sports, in favor of niche culture programs to expose and encourage both our own employees as well as a broader public audience to a continuing intellectual challenge.

Community and Environment Projects

With a long history of good corporate citizenship, the Company.comsupport of community projects should reflect local customs and needs. Community projects should comply with the following requirements:

Respect the arm’s length principle safeguarding the independence of the local community as well as the local regulations and customs. the Company is a committed and active, but a non-discriminatory and neutral part of the community.

Community projects should add real value to society and not supplant the obligation of public sector funding.

Community projects should aim to encourage and honor individual commitment and engagement of our own employees within their local society through the support of private social initiatives. The General Managers of the local Company affiliates shall establish transparent guidelines for local philanthropic donations and activities and prioritize or leverage their own employees’ efforts and involvement in the local community.

Collaborative projects to protect or clean local natural resources such as rivers or park spaces as well as engagement in community historic preservation initiatives are typical examples of activities in this area.

Monetary Donations

The Company accepts monetary donations without conditions on its use.

The Company.comaccepts monetary donations for the purpose of purchasing the Company materials consistent with the objectives of the Company.comcollections. When the Company receives a cash gift for the purchase of materials, the general nature or subject area of the materials to be purchased will be based on the wishes of the donor. The Company.comstaff in accordance with the needs and selection policies of the Company will make the selection of specific titles. Efforts will be made to honor specific title requests, however, these requests may be denied based on the needs of the Company.


Sponsorships are available for gifts of $1,000 or more and will be acknowledged in all publicity for the event or service sponsored. Examples include:

1. $1,000 Articles group sponsorship – one year
2. $5,000 Seasonal publishing sponsorship


The names of people making donations to the Company will not be released without their consent.

Donor Recognition

The Company will provide a receipt for donated materials upon request. Other gifts will receive a written acknowledgment. The appraisal of the gift for tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor. Written acknowledgment of financial contributions will list the exact amount of the contribution.

Names of donors of items other than sale materials will be published with the permission of the donor by gift category in the annual report to the board, the Company newsletter, or via bookplates when appropriate.

Donors who contribute $1000 or more will have their names listed by gift category on a plaque that will be displayed in a prominent place in the Company.

The Company newsletter may highlight stories of some donors and why they are supporting the Company.

Donor Recognition Levels

Supporter Level:

The donor will be recognized by adding his or her name to a plaque to be displayed prominently in the Company. The donation of a Supporter will be recognized in the Company newsletter and annual report with the permission of the donor.

The donor will be recognized on the Sponsor area of a plaque to be displayed prominently in the Company. The donation of the Sponsor will be recognized in the Company newsletter and annual report and will include a photograph with the permission of the donor.

Benefactor Level: Donor will be recognized by naming the designated area or collection of the Company after the Benefactor for a period of 5 years, after which time a permanent recognition will be posted. The donation of the Benefactor will be recognized in the Company newsletter and annual report and will include a photograph with the permission of the donor. Additionally, the Company will hold a press conference and reception to publicly thank the Benefactor.

All major donations are subject to the acceptance of the Fairport Public the Company.comBoard of Trustees.

Security of donations

The complete website network uses 128 bit SSL technology to secure your donation, just like a bank does. This means that all the details are encrypted. We use Stripe, a market leader of online bank transactions, to securely process your one-off donations.


We have a refund policy in case you make a donation in error. If you contact us within 7 days of making the donation we will return it to you within 40 days. You will be charged 10% of the refund transaction for fees charged by payment service providers.